General Description of Entrepreneurship

As of January 18, 2024, there were 4689 Narva entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register (including 158 in liquidation, 11 in bankruptcy proceedings). As of January 18, 2023, there were 4586 active entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register.

According to the data from the Statistics Estonia, in 2023, there were 3675 economically active enterprises in Narva, including 1834 private limited companies, 981 non-profit organizations, and 669 sole proprietors.

In Narva, 99.9% of all businesses are micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. The majority of active businesses are micro-enterprises, where the number of employees does not exceed 9 people (96.6% of all businesses).

In Narva, there are registered only two large enterprises (with more than 250 employees): OÜ Fortaco Estonia and AS Hanza Mechanics Narva. Other large companies and actually the biggest employers of Narva town residents, such as AS Enefit Power, AS Enefit Solutions, OÜ Maxima Eesti, and OÜ Aquaphor International, are not registered in Narva and are not reflected in the statistics.

As of January 18, 2024, the most common form of entrepreneurship in Narva is a private limited company. In total, 3456 private limited companies are registered (constituting 73.7% of all entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register).

The second most common form of entrepreneurship by prevalence is the sole proprietorship. There are 793 of them (constituting 16.9% of all entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register). The third most common form of entrepreneurship among all Narva entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register is a partnership – there are 258 of them (5.5% of all entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register).

Due to the requirement in the registration process for a minimum capital of 25,000 €, joint-stock companies (24) are mostly large and medium-sized enterprises (0.5% of all entrepreneurs registered in the Business Register).

Entrepreneurial activity in Narva is on an upward trend, but overall, entrepreneurial activity in Narva is quite low. In 2023, there were 49 active enterprises per 1000 residents in Narva, while in Estonia as a whole, there were 113 enterprises per 1000 residents.

The low entrepreneurial activity among the local population is a positive factor in attracting foreign investors, as it indicates low market competition and unexploited niches from an entrepreneurial perspective.

As of January 2023, Narva’s goods export amounted to 21,733,188 €, while imports totaled 12,653,155 €.

Entrepreneurship statistics based on the Business Register data

 As of January 19, 2021As of January 18, 2022As of January 18, 2023As of January 18, 2024
Registered in the Business Register (businesses and non-profit organizations, housing cooperatives, foundations, state and local government agencies), including:55205676 57035830*  
Business entities, including:44364582 45864689
Joint-stock companies28 26 26 24
Sole proprietorship898 896 842 793
Profit-sharing cooperatives117 112 96 95
Private limited companies 3118 3272 33333456
General partnerships68 67 6763
Partnership or trust207 209 222258
Branch of a foreign company44 00
Housing cooperative431429 425428
Non-profit organizations588601 630638
Joint-stock companies1211 1112
State and local government institutions, including:4949 5147
State authorities1 2 44
Local government authorities48 47 4743

* As of January 18, 2024, according to the data from the Business Register. Total: 5830 entrepreneurs, including: registered – 5645: JSC-20, LLC-3358, sole proprietorships -793, profit-sharing cooperatives -93, general partnerships -53, partnerships or trust -239, non-profit organizations -602, foundations -12, housing cooperatives -428, state and local government institutions-47;

in liquidation – 158: general partnerships -10, LLC-91, profit-sharing cooperatives -2, partnerships or trust -19, non-profit organization -36;

in bankruptcy proceedings – 11: JSC-4, LLC-7.

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Narva City Government, Department for Development and Economy

Peetri plats 3-5, III. floor
20308 Narva, Ida-Virumaa
+372 35 99044
Registration number: 75029524

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